CRUD con PHP y MySQL - Tabla Equipos

ID CZONA Área Edificio Sector Lugar Tipo de Equipo Marca Modelo Condensación Capacidad Número de Equipo Remito Fecha de Alta Gas Proveedor Observaciones Clase Centro de Costo Frecuencia Acciones
110016 3 IyannaSof IyannaSof 1985-03-05 ОНЛАЙН КАЗИНО Eliminar Editar
110097 3 IyannaSof IyannaSof 1982-00-07 ОНЛАЙН КАЗИНО Eliminar Editar
111015 3 IyannaSof IyannaSof 1985-01-06 ОНЛАЙН КАЗИНО Eliminar Editar
111525 3 Mike Aleksander De Jong Mike Aleksander 1988-02-06 Greetings, Receiving some collection of links redirecting to maquinartecnc. Eliminar Editar
111529 3 asuuivebetap 1982-07-08 Looking for a safe and effective solution for testosterone replacement therapy? Eliminar Editar
111530 3 ecafequbuw ecafequbuw 1982-00-00 I came across a great solution for hair loss treatment. See for yourself [URL=ht Eliminar Editar
111532 3 adanotixuhes adanotixuhes 1984-01-06 X-ray your options and order [URL=]pric Eliminar Editar
111533 3 ayohivare ayohivare 1984-03-00 Explore your options for managing hypertension by visiting [URL=https://fairbusi Eliminar Editar
111534 3 igaguwef igaguwef 1982-06-01 Maximize your savings on medications by exploring various offers. Find coupons o Eliminar Editar
111535 3 buviyokau buviyokau 1983-03-03 Quality education is pivotal, and acquiring expertise in the art of persuasion c Eliminar Editar